Best Business Dictionary Software For Mac Word Reddit

вторник 11 декабряadmin

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Professional Proofreading & Editing Writing Software StyleWriter’s unique and revolutionary writing and editing software works just like a professional, human editor. It proofreads, checks and advises you on your writing style based on your target audience and writing task. The program proofreads a 10,000-word document in 12 seconds against a 200,000 graded word list and a 50,000-word and phrase style and usage checker. StyleWriter analyses and highlights: • Words you can change or cut to simplify your style so your reader effortlessly understands your message. • Long, complex and wordy sentences to help you trim the fat and write in a clear and concise style. • Passive and hidden verbs which make writing tedious, long-winded and ambiguous.

• Sentence variety which makes writing more interesting and enjoyable to read. • Questionable words such as spelling variants and errors that fool other proofreading tools. • Jargon such as abbreviations and acronyms, difficult, unusual and unknown words and abstract phrases that confuse and turn off readers.

The FREE app delivers trusted reference content from and, including over 2,000,000 words. It also features audio pronunciation and updated daily content. While I have your eyes. I want to see the contents of my Word custom dictionary. I used to know how to do this but in Mac 2011 I can’t do it. How can I view the contents of a Word custom dictionary? If you are privy to any information as to the recent habit of Word for Office 2011 for the Mac being unable to open.

StyleWriter then highlights problems, measures and rates the readability and writing style and offers editing advice and graphs to show you where and how you can improve your draft document. StyleWriter also finds and measures words and sentences that make the reader’s job easier and more enjoyable such as interesting verbs, nouns, names, conversational style, pronouns, direct questions and short sentences. StyleWriter offers you professional advice to improve your writing skills. Smart Spell Checking Software StyleWriter’s standard spell checker has 200,000 words.

It checks every word in your text to see if it is on the list. If it is not, StyleWriter highlights the possible error and looks up the correct spelling in Microsoft Word’s spell checker However, conventional spell checking technology often misses many contextual spelling errors. Here are some examples of ‘words’ accepted by Microsoft Word: • the firm’s pubic image when promoting our products in the United Sates, • which fag to fly when the Quean opens our new offices, • the sprit of staff when asked to forego the end-of-season bonus, ad • the meeting to asses the effect of new laws on corporate disclosure.

StyleWriter also has a revolutionary Smart-Spell™ technology – a way of finding errors missed by conventional spell checking software. The program knows each word’s frequency of use and the probability of it being an error even if spelled correctly.

The program’s Questionable category is a filter on the main spell checker word list highlighting words that often fool other spelling check software. The program’s other categories of Confused Words, Misused Words, Difficult Words, Unusual Words and Miscellaneous categories also find thousands of errors missed by conventional spelling checkers. Advanced Writing Statistics Standard readability formulas are simplistic and easily fooled. They only measure sentence length and word length - usually measured by the number of characters.

So a conventional readability formula considers following, tomorrow and Wednesday as difficult words but after, today and Monday as easy words. StyleWriter solves this problem by using its graded dictionary and offers meaningful statistics and ratings you can use to become a better writer. StyleWriter has three key scores and ratings shown at the bottom of the program's screen.

• The ™ - an overall score of the clarity of your style. • The - an important readability measure. • The ™ - a measure of the most common writing problem. When you edit with StyleWriter, you'll discover that the program shortens sentences and improves word choice making your writing style clear and understandable. Individual & Corporate Customization StyleWriter is the only professional writing and editing software you can fully customize to your writing needs. Add, remove, ignore and make exceptions to editing advice.