Word For Mac Text Box Removal
Interested to learn how to insert and format text boxes in Word for Mac 2011? This video will show you how it's done. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular word processing application, new to MS Word 2011 or even an expert merely looking to brush up on the fundamentals, you're sure to be well served by this quality video tutorial from the folks at Lynda.
Hi There, I was just wondering if anyone knows how to remove paragraph formatting in Word. Under the Help section in Keyboard Shortcuts I have found how to remove character formatting (command + shift + Z) and you can remove ALL formatting by clicking the 'clear formatting' button in the ribbon, however I can't seem to figure out how to clear paragraph formatting. The shortcut on a PC is ctrl + Q, I have spent a lot of time searching google for the answer. Most of what I come up with is how to use the 'show/hide non printing characters' which is not what I'm looking for.
I have found a few different sites that say to use command + shift + q but that just wants to quit the program. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Click to expand.Hi rdowns, thanks for the response. Yes I can bring the paragraph dialog box up that way and then I guess I could manually set everything the way I want, however I'm looking for a way to quickly remove all paragraph formatting so that it removes everything that's been done to the paragraph (indents, spacing etc.) to the default. There should be some shortcut; there is a shortcut to remove all formatting done to a document (so removes paragraph as well as character formatting), there is a shortcut to remove only character formatting (removes, italics, bold, etc) and then there should be one for just the paragraph. At least there is on PC.
It makes sense that there should be one for that Mac too. Or another way of doing it without having to reset everything one by one.
Updated: by Computer Hope When copying text from another document or Internet web page and pasting it into Microsoft Word, Word will keep the formatting of the text. For example, if you were to copy the text on this page to a Word file, this text would remain bold, and this text would remain blue. To remove the formatting in Microsoft Word from any text highlight the text and press the shortcut key Ctrl+Spacebar. The shortcut sets the text to the default font, removes the formatting, and even removes links. Alternatively, you can use the option in Microsoft Word to paste the text with no formatting.
Bonus Tip: In most versions of Windows Ctrl+Windows Key + V also pastes text as plain text.
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