How To Format Hard Drive For Mac Time Machine
Formatting an external hard drive for Mac/Time Machine. Hello- Just purchased a Time Capsule to use both as a wireless Network and backup hard drive. Both are working great. However, I have an external hd (500 gig 'My Book') I used with a previous computer (PC).
Vertical alignment determines the position of the text within a section of a document relative to the top and bottom margins, and is often used to create a cover When you justify text in Word, you give your text straight edges on both sides of the paragraph. Justifying extends each line of your text to the left. Word 2016 for Mac Word for Mac 2011 More. In a text box in Word, you can align text horizontally or vertically, and you can adjust the margins to be narrower or wider. Word 2016 for Mac Word for Mac 2011 More. Some of the content in this topic may not be applicable to some languages. Align text left, center, or right. Click anywhere in the paragraph that you want to align. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, do one of the following.
I would like Time Capsule/Time Machine to backup everything on the My Book external hd but I realize I need to reformat in order to have the Time Machine backup this drive. It appears that the only way to reformat the external hd is to erase it's contents. This isn't an option for me as this drive is almost full and has a ton of data I do not want to lose. Can anyone elaborate on how I can reformat this disk so it will be compatible with my new setup without losing any of it's contents?
Click on the 'Time Machine' drive that is indented (the one underneath the one you selected on your screen). Then the 'Erase' tab should appear. Also, if your Time Machine is encrypted, my experience was that I needed to erase it and choose an unencrypted format in order to really regain full control of the disk. I need to format my Lacie hard drive 500 GB, so I can use it with Time Machine. On this page, click the 'Format' drop down menu and select either 'Mac OS Extended (Journaled)' or 'MS-DOS'. The former will make your harddrive exclusively work with OS X but will perform better and 'MS-DOS' will.
Thank you for your time and help. Some 3rd-party apps, such as iPartition, claim to be able to do that. But they +*very prominently+* warn you to back up first, in case something goes wrong.
Adobe indesign torrent mac. And there have been a few posts here where something did go wrong and the user hadn't backed-up, so lost everything. IPartition (and I think all the others) cost money, of course. Instead of spending it there, your best bet is to get another external HD, a larger one. Copy the data to it, reformat the WD, and copy it back. Make sure Time Machine is backing-it up to your Time Capsule (ie., not listed in the exclusions box of +Time Machine Preferences > Options).+ Then erase and partition the new one. One partition should be at least as large as your Mac's internal HD, the other 500 GB or more.
Use this drive for 'secondary' backups of both, via CarbonCopyCloner or SuperDuper. [CarbonCopyCloner is donationware; [SuperDuper has a free version, but you need the paid one (about $30) to do updates instead of full replacements, or scheduling. You might even want to get a portable HD for this, so you can take it off-site and also be protected against fire, flood, theft, direct lightning strike on your power lines, etc. Similar Messages • I have a 250GB western digital external hard drive for my time machine backups. I did not download the software that came with the external HD.
If I only want to backup my photos and movies from my Macbook how do I do that in Tme Machine with my external HD? Format the HDD in Disk Utility>Erase to Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and the open System Preferences>Time Machine and set up the external disk as the Time Machine HDD. Then look at the Options, and exclude what you do not want backed up. • Trying to use a new, larger external hard drive for my Time Machine backup. However, every time I start the backup, it gets started then fails. And, I can't delete the few files that did save on the external. Sort of a catch 22.
Is it a USB hard drive? USB hard drives have the problem of not giving full speed if they are hooked up on the same bus as keyboards and mice. Double check your profiler to make sure that is not a problem. If it is Firewire, make sure there aren't other firewire devices in use at the same time. I recommend not only keeping a Time Machine backup, but also a clone, and if you do use Time Machine, to make sure the Time Machine drive or partition is at least twice the size of the original drive. • OS is Mountain Lion, upgraded no problems, used an external Hard drive for my time machine, now my iPhoto will not show any of my photo's or ay new ones I import! Help please!!
Do you get this window when you hold down the Command+Option keys and launch iPhoto? If not then you're not holding down both keys long enough. OT • I have been using a 1 TG LaCie external hard drive for Time Machine backups.
My (older) Mac has 160 GB and is almost full. I would like to move my iPhoto Library to the external hard drive, but I've heard Time Machine doesn't share one space well. Create another partition (but will this erase what I've already saved) with Disk Utility? *I am running Snow Leopard* 2. Create another volume to use for iPhoto, and if so, should the two volumes be of equal size? Leave it with one partition and move the iPhoto Library to the same partition with Time Machine back ups? I know I don't need the entire 1 TG for back up of 160 GBs.