Quicktime Player For Mac Arrow

среда 03 октябряadmin

Whenever I'm using QuickTime Player, I miss the Option-Command-right/left arrow keystrokes to step forward/backward, which I've grown accustomed to in. Here's how to bring these to QuickTime Player, using.

Quicktime Player 7 supports older media formats, such as QTVR, interactive QuickTime movies, and MIDI files on Snow Leopard. It also accepts QuickTime 7 Pro. Mac Media Player.

Disclaimer/note: Being the creator of Butler, it shouldn't come as a surprise that I use Butler for these things. There are other ways of launching these AppleScripts, but this solution is definitely easy to implement if Butler is already running on your Mac. Step Forward: Open Butler's main window, create a new AppleScript Smart Item (click the Plus sign icon, then Smart Item: AppleScript: AppleScript) and name it QT: Step Forward, for instance.

Then, paste the following script to the Inspector's Source Code section for your new Smart Item: property step: 10tell application 'QuickTime Player' set playerPosition to (current time of front movie) + ¬ (step * (time scale of front movie)) set movieDuration to duration of front movie if (playerPosition? MovieDuration) then if front movie is playing then stop front movie end if set playerPosition to movieDuration end if set current time of front movie to playerPositionend tellThis script will trigger 10-seconds steps.

If you want a different value, edit the property step: line accordingly. Now, go to the Inspector's Triggers section, and enter your hot key of choice -- I'm using Option-Command-Right Arrow, as mentioned above. Once you've entered the hot key, configure the Exceptions pop-up to be Only valid in, and then list QuickTime Player for the application's name. Step Backward This script is almost the same, except for the AppleScript we're using: property step: 10tell application 'QuickTime Player' set playerPosition to (current time of front movie) - ¬ (step * (time scale of front movie)) if (playerPosition. I've been using almost identical scripts that I wrote myself ages ago.

I use three different lengths of skip forward (150, 30 and 10) and two of skip backwards (12, 4). I have these mapped using Salling Clicker to 3, 6 and 9 for forward and 1 and 4 for backwards. They enable me to skip around radio shows I have recorded. The skip lengths I have chosen make it simple to skip 3 minute ad breaks with a quick 3,6 and songs I don't like with a 3 a 6 or two and as many 9's as it takes to reach the end of the track.

It's a lot faster than the description believe me. I've also used PearScriptKeys to add the same functionality to my numeric keypad in case my phone is not connected only with the numbers reversed because the keypad is upside down compared to the phone.

By not limiting yourself to controlling while QuickTime Player is active you can listen to audio files and skip around them in the background without needing to bring QT to the front. Also my script determines whether I am using QT or iTunes to listen and skips forward the appropriate amount in the correct application. --- So, I said. Well, I can't actually remember exactly what I said. But it was one of the most enormously cruel and frighteningly witty put downs ever. I have this script working in both Quicktime X and Quicktime 7, making the adjustments recommended here for Quicktime X, but am finding that sometimes the script (which I have assigned to a hotkey) pauses Quicktime X when the hotkey is pressed, instead of continuing to play (the playhead does go back 10 seconds though) and wonder if anyone else is experiencing this, and if there is anything that can be done.

Microsoft office for mac 2011 sp4 v14.7.7 vl system requirements pdf. Scp containment breach for mac download. Using terminal I have set Quicktime X to play files automatically. I am not sure if this is relevant to this issue.


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