Iperf For Mac
Antivirus for mac reviews 2016 2018. Attachments: Having used iperf on a Mac PowerBook G4 (800MHz, 1Gig RAM) running OS 10.2.4 over the last few weeks, I would like to find out whether there are others successfully using iperf on the above mentioned platform. I am running into problems using iperf to generate UDP traffic between a Linux desktop machine (Pentium II) and my Mac Powerbook connected using a crossover cable. At bandwidth settings of over 1Mbps, I notice increasing packet loss when the Mac is the server and the linux machine is the client.
Install iperf3 on Mac OSX. June 23, 2017 Amber. About the App. App name: iperf3. Install iperf on Mac OSX. Install nuttcp on Mac OSX. Install httperf on Mac OSX. Install pipebench on Mac OSX. Install owamp on Mac OSX. Install libflowmanager on Mac OSX. Post navigation.
Adobe acrobat reader mac download. Note that I was running the terminal program on the Mac in order to fire up iperf and to see the results of the iperf tests. Here are the test results: Client Server Time Bandwidth Pkt Loss Linux Mac 120 10M 1.9% Mac Linux 120 10M 0.045% Linux Mac 120 50M 12% Mac Linux 120 50M 0.054% Linux Mac 120 90M 19.23% Mac Linux 120 90M 0.123% I then closed all programs running on the Macintosh, logged out and then ssh'ed back in from the linux box and got the following results: Client Server Time Bandwidth Pkt Loss Linux Mac 60 90M 0.078% Linux Mac 60 50M 2.5% NOTES.
I have verified these results using different cables to ensure that the cable was not at fault My questions/comments are these: * why is there any packet loss whatsoever? - the network consists of a crossover cable - the Mac Powerbook G4 has a Gbit interface * iperf appears to perform better when there are very few other processes running on the Powerbook. * could the network stack on the Mac be badly tuned for iperf testing? * could iperf be running inefficiently on the Mac and reporting incorrect numbers? Any other testing/debugging ideas would be much appreciated. Cheers ________________________________________ Laurence Kirchmeier Senior Systems Research Programmer Merit Network Inc. Email: laurie@.
Phone: 734 936-9703 ________________________________________ Thread view. Attachments: Having used iperf on a Mac PowerBook G4 (800MHz, 1Gig RAM) running OS 10.2.4 over the last few weeks, I would like to find out whether there are others successfully using iperf on the above mentioned platform. I am running into problems using iperf to generate UDP traffic between a Linux desktop machine (Pentium II) and my Mac Powerbook connected using a crossover cable. At bandwidth settings of over 1Mbps, I notice increasing packet loss when the Mac is the server and the linux machine is the client. Note that I was running the terminal program on the Mac in order to fire up iperf and to see the results of the iperf tests.