Internet Explorer For Mac Download 2015

четверг 17 январяadmin

The print shop for mac. Run Internet Explorer so you can use ActiveX on Macs. Nov 24, 2015 14:36 GMT By Filip Truta. Share: The last official Internet Explorer for Mac is no. Download Oracle VirtualBox for Mac and Extension Pack. Install VirtualBox and after.


Original title: What Windows should I buy if I plan to use it on my Mac with the Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac program? I need Internet Explorer to do some contract work. I have a Mac and am trying to figure out how to run Internet Explorer on my Mac.

I was told at the Apple store that I needed Parallels Desktop 8 that will help me run both operating systems on my Mac. However, I didn't realize that I of course would need to also purchase Windows (duh). So now I am wondering if it matters which Windows I purchase or if there is an easier way to just get Internet Explorer on my Mac.