How To Set An App As Default For Mac
You may set BusyCal and BusyContacts as the default apps as follows: Setting BusyCal as the default calendar app You can set BusyCal as the default calendar app, as follows: • In BusyCal, drag an event to the Desktop to create a.ics file. • Select the.ics file in the Finder and choose Get Info from the File Menu or type Command-I.
To set a PDF viewer as the default on Windows. If no other PDF viewer is installed, once Adobe Reader is installed, it becomes the default. To set a preferred PDF viewer as the default: Windows 7: Follow the menu path Start > Default Programs > Associate a file type or protocol with a specific program; Highlight.pdf, then click Change. Yeah way cool. But all that does is change yer default web browser, which I'd already set to Safari. I wanted to change the default FTP application but the only way I've found to do that is firing up IE and setting Preferences - Protocol Helpers.
• In the window that appears, select BusyCal from the 'Open with' popup menu, then click the 'Change All' button. Setting BusyContacts as the default contact app You may set BusyContacts as the default contacts app, as follows: • In BusyContacts, drag a contact to the Desktop to create a vcf file. • Select the vcf file in the Finder and choose Get Info from the File Menu or type Command-I. • In the window that appears, select BusyContacts from the 'Open with' popup menu, then click the 'Change All' button.
Set default calendar app. Set as default calendaring app. Set as default contact app.
Set as default address book app. Set busycal as default calendar events application. Open ics file as default app. Default ics handler handling app.
Similar problem with.doc files I am having a similar problem with.doc files. I have changed the default application though Get Info as well as through Open With > Other. > Always Open With.but it seems that the default application always reverts to OpenOffice instead of Microsoft Word. I want OpenOffice just in case but it seems very invasive.
Personally I'd like to stick with Pages and iWork if at all possible but the rest of the word isn't there yet. Any suggestions? Best dvd player app for mac. Or is anyone else having the same problem?