Best Mac App For College Students 2017
You're going to college, which means plenty of sleepless nights, lots of good. Luckily, there are tons of excellent apps out there on both the Mac and iOS to help. Ability to organize tasks into different lists, which is essential for any student.
What makes myHomework the best student planner? * Beauty, Simplicity, and Reliability - myHomework has a gorgeous appearance and simple interface making it easy for anyone to use. Our apps fill their role as a planner without network connectivity. * Amazing Anywhere - With highly rated cross-platform apps, and a wonderful website, it's the most complete on the go planner experience anywhere. * Price - The account is FREE everywhere and an ads-free premium experience is available. * Experience - myHomework has been around since 2009 and continually improving the experience based on the feedback of our users.
Some add classes & class time improvements for back-to-school time New in the last version (6.0.0): - New app icon (voted on by users) - Redesigned menu on iPhone - iPhone 6 Plus users: Landscape mode! Can also collapse the side menu in portrait mode - Premium users: build your own theme and new premium-only themes! - Block schedule start date now syncs so you're not asked each time you login - Simpler flow for adding class times - Better display for multi-line comments on assignments • 6.0.0 Jul 31, 2015.
Zohaxoxox, Great App! Small Glitch I have been using this app for over a year, and let me say that this has saved my grades.
I have a physical planner where I write down my homework, but by the middle of the year, I always seem to forget to write it down. Since I’m on my phone a lot, it’s so convenient to be able to quickly jot it down in this app. Literally, I could be relaxing and then I’ll get a notification that I have an assignment due tomorrow which I completely would’ve forgotten to do. It’s also convenient as a schedule since you can write down the name of your teacher, the room number, and the time/period your class starts. Promo codes for mac cosmetics.
Even the color coding feature is super helpful since you remember what class the assignment is for easily and it’s great for aesthetic purposes. My only issue is right now is this glitch. I recently upgraded from an iPhone 6 to and iPhone 7. I noticed that there’s the whole screen is kinda shifted up from where it should be and some of the words get cut off, so I don’t know what I’m reading or writing down.
It’s pretty annoying, so I hope you guys fix that asap. Zohaxoxox, Great App!